Feeling the cold on the Icefields Parkway, Canada

The last couple of days have been pretty brutal on the bike - with the temperature often hovering around 5 degrees C whenever I glance at the thermometer on my bike keys.

Today was no different, with a start of 3 degrees C leaving Canmore (thanks Jamie and Marnie for a room for the night; we would've frozen otherwise), and the bikes having been covered with frost, the day didn't reach much above 5 degrees C until we hit a balmy Jasper at 12 degrees C around 300km and several hours later.

Just to make you aware, I am wearing, from the feet up:
  • MotoX boots with fleece socks and winter weight merino wool socks,
  • Thermal weight leggings,
  • Moto riding trousers (with the waterproof liner inside),
  • Long sleeved merino thermal shirt X2,
  • Keis heated (plugs into the bike) vest,
  • Thin synthetic down jacket,
  • Thin mixed synthetic and down hooded jacket,
  • Moto jacket,
  • Windproof neck buff,
  • Hood up on jacket beneath my moto helmet,
  • Fleece liner gloves,
  • Synthetic down gloves (in the black fleece lined handlebar pogies you see in the photos there).
With all that kit on, plugged into my bike, I'd say I'm still not particularly comfortable.  But, as needs must and all. 

Oh and btw, with an average speed of 90kmh, at a temperature of 5 degrees C, the windchill factor calculates at us spending much of the day (plus previous and subsequent days) at -3 degrees C! 

What, I ask, the hell am I doing?  Trying to get to Quesnel is what... so I can hang my boots up!

It was beautiful though... and as Kevin calls it; 

'Type 2 fun'.


  1. Enjoyed watching your travels, you will always have a place to stay here if you travel again!! Pete & Jan

  2. You are brave too :-)
    What are you doing/plans after you reach Quesnel?
    Will you ever travel down the east coast of the US? Let me know if you guys come through NJ, you have a place to stay and no need for tent.


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